Blog de Notes

This month is going to be my second year owning a Remarkable 2. Great device, I got convinced, became early adopter and since then it has been my companion in all meetings (which is kinda my daily life). Ask me if I'd recommend it to you, and I'd say that depends on how many notes do you take. It won't replace your tablet, but it will surely replace your notebook.

Just lately I started to look into the options for getting any kind of custom templates. I now tend to leave the sidebar open for quicker access to the drawing and navigation tools, and therefor my favourite Checklist template gets partly hidden below the buttons. Bad design, let's see if I can do anything here.

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Seria cap al final del 2002 quan vaig obrir Internet Archive només té traces des de Febrer del 2003, què hi farem. Ja des del principi estava orientada a ser una extensió online de les burrades que fèiem amb la colla de Talamanca. L'Esteve, el Sergi i jo saltàvem de fricada en fricada, i la meva sempre era mantenir una comunitat online. Allò va durar el que va durar, i no recordo molt bé com o per què va acabar, però parlem de fot 20 anys, i en ASP pur contra una DB en un arxiu MS Access.

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Just a week ago my head started again bumping with the idea of building myself a blog. Again. After so much time. I had some hard requirements, basically one: has to be a file based CMS, as I really want to move away from DBs. Long story short, I found Grav, I did some research around it, and got impressed by the features that they announce and... (dramatic pause) it's done in PHP + Twig + Markdown. I can't believe it, 2022 and something like this still exists? I have to play a bit with it.

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The van (aka La Furgo) has already 2 years with us. Since then, we did around 30k kms and the inside evolved quite a lot. Zooming in into the electrics, La Furgo came with a second (lead) battery and a splitter, that was feeding a heater and that's it. As we could see, it took a night for the heater to leave the battery quite empty and the splitter needed quite a lot of kms to fill it back enough for a next night.

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05/11/2022 17:00 personal brainfuck

Ha plogut una mica des que un servidor (jo mateix, no la màquina) mantenia un blog. Recordo que era un moment gratificant, de deixar-me anar. També recordo la falera interna de classificar-ho tot i acabar mantenint una dotzena de blogs per matèria, que va acabar agobiant-me i fent-me tancar la parad...

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