Blog de Notes

Just a week ago my head started again bumping with the idea of building myself a blog. Again. After so much time. I had some hard requirements, basically one: has to be a file based CMS, as I really want to move away from DBs. Long story short, I found Grav, I did some research around it, and got impressed by the features that they announce and... (dramatic pause) it's done in PHP + Twig + Markdown. I can't believe it, 2022 and something like this still exists? I have to play a bit with it.

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The van (aka La Furgo) has already 2 years with us. Since then, we did around 30k kms and the inside evolved quite a lot. Zooming in into the electrics, La Furgo came with a second (lead) battery and a splitter, that was feeding a heater and that's it. As we could see, it took a night for the heater to leave the battery quite empty and the splitter needed quite a lot of kms to fill it back enough for a next night.

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05/11/2022 17:00 personal brainfuck

Ha plogut una mica des que un servidor (jo mateix, no la màquina) mantenia un blog. Recordo que era un moment gratificant, de deixar-me anar. També recordo la falera interna de classificar-ho tot i acabar mantenint una dotzena de blogs per matèria, que va acabar agobiant-me i fent-me tancar la parad...

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