Blog de Notes

As I presented days ago, I have a #Pixelfed instance that I maintain on my own. It has been running and federating for almost a month and I am proud to see how well now behaves with the current load.

In this article I go through the steps I did to bring it up into a #RaspberryPi under #Docker.

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Hosting an instance like #Mastodon or #Pixelfed under #Docker makes you deal with Docker images every time a new version comes or simply when you apply any customization, like changing the logos or so on. The process is not really complicated but there are some caveats that keep an eye on.

Here I focus on my Pixelfed instance at

Continue Reading... és el primer domini que vaig registrar ara deu fer uns 20 anys. Ha passat per diferents fases, essent reciclat al llarg d'aquest temps per donar nom a diferents projectes de la meva fornada.

Ara presenta una instància Pixelfed on publico fotos pròpies, servit des d'una Raspberry Pi des de casa.

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