Blog de Notes

I have an old host that works as a NAS basically for backups. It has a linux inside and allows some (by then) fancy stuff out of the box. Recently I was leveraging it as a resource for backups via SSH and I ran into this error. Took me a bit to get the clue and a minimal explanation.

This small post explains it.

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I am #self-hosting my own #Mastodon instance in a #RaspberryPi 4 under #Docker. With the arrival of the new #RaspberryPi5, I wanted to try a full migration, installing the system from scratch and performing a backup and restore, also to understand how all of this works.

Here I intend to describe my journey, a full step-by-step walk through!

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Lately I find lot of interesting projects that run over #NodeJS, and TBH I have no too much idea. So then what is better than installing it at home to play around? In this article I go through the (really easy) installation process of Node JS 20.

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After installing an Apache in a #RaspberryPi, one of the common next steps is to add support for #PHP. Here I describe the steps to install and set up the PHP version 8.2 into our little host, including some of the most common modules / extensions and the integration with #Apache2

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In the path to have a #RaspberryPi serving a blog, one classic step is to install an #Apache2 web server. In this post I describe the process including permissions, modules and virtual host setup.

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Summer is gone and at home there is some maintenance to do. #RaspberryPiOS has updated from #bullseye to #bookworm and I have some machines to catch up. Here I log the steps I did to upgrade the first one.

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With the landing of the new #Mastodon v4.2.0, I decided to document the process I take to build and apply a new #Docker image for the instance I maintain at Even it is distributed with an official Docker image, there are some customizations (mostly icons and images) that I want to keep and therefore I must build my own one.

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Tocava una posada al dia al Droplet que tinc a DigitalOcean, que em serveix algunes webs entre elles aquest blog. Ja està vell i l'Ubuntu 18.04 es queixa sovint. He creat un segon Droplet amb Debian 11 i he migrat sel.lectivament. Ara toca presentar-ho en societat...

Ai l'as, el DNS, la seva propagació i les cache a tants nivells, inclús a casa!

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Una de les optimitzacions que es recomanen per a millorar el rendiment de les #RaspberryPi és moure el sistema operatiu a un disc dur conectat per USB3. Amb les "noves" Raspberries aquest procès és encara més fàcil.

Buscant millorar l'estabilitat de LaDragonera, he volgut aplicar-ho a la Rasbperry Pi que la mou i ha estat més fàcil del que m'esperava!

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If you noticed my posts in this blog, I love to play with the Raspberry Pi machines. They are good, small, (will be back to) cheap, and very versatile. They allow me to build services for my home uses and fulfil my nerdy server side appetite.

As I am always starting from the same point, I decided to just transcribe the next Raspberry Pi spawn I do at home, as a reference in future posts.

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