Blog de Notes

A year ago in June, when our daughter made 3 months, we jumped into our van and started our #ElternzeitTour2023, the second half of my parental leave: 3 months to slowly drive from #Düsseldorf to #Barcelona and back to visit my parents and let them meet our baby.

That was around 7000 kms, and we got to know plenty of campings, some of them we enjoyed a lot and some of them we simply could not wait to leave behind. With a wish to register them for the future and for others, we crafted this list that contains their reference, price and some personal opinions.

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Our recently bought third-hand campervan Weinsberg Carabus 600 K from 2021 gave us some headaches after our first Easter use. Nothing big, mostly related to not not knowing how to manage such apartment on wheels, but enough to block us from enjoying a weekend out and keeping us busy for a pair of weeks.

In this article I go through water pump change, custom water filter bypass and understanding the Truma water boiler and its valves, to have the van up and running again.

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Aquest va ser un dels primers acords amb la parella quan vam descobrir que estava embarassada. Voliem saltar a la carretera el màxim de temps possible, i això (més o menys) és el que farem a partir de demà o demà passat.

Em ve de gust escriure quatre línies sobre el tema, com a fita assolida, i com a visió del que ve en els propers 3 mesos.

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The van (aka La Furgo) has already 2 years with us. Since then, we did around 30k kms and the inside evolved quite a lot. Zooming in into the electrics, La Furgo came with a second (lead) battery and a splitter, that was feeding a heater and that's it. As we could see, it took a night for the heater to leave the battery quite empty and the splitter needed quite a lot of kms to fill it back enough for a next night.

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