Blog de Notes

Amb els últims projectes en Python (el janitor i el pyxavi) he probat de posar en pràctica a casa les bones maneres que tenim a la feina. De tots ells, els tests unitaris són els que trobo més interessants.

Anem a descobrir pas a pas l'art dels Tests Unitaris a Python!

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Que em coneix sap els meus gustos musicals, i que sóc de la generació que va descobrir Queen quan en Freddie va morir. Rondava el 1990 quan per la tele van posar el Barcelona amb la Montserrat Caballé, i jo vèia el meu pare excitat amb el Mercury. Qui serà aquest pàio? Quins crits, no?

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Portava temps que em rondava pel cap la idea d'un bot que comprovés algunes mètriques del sistema i si algun valor es dispara llavors em publiqui una alerta a Mastodon. El que va començar com a un projecte senzill ha acabat una mica més treballat, capaç de comunicar entre bots i fer de centraleta d'alarmes i missatges de log.

En aquest article explico què fa i com posar-lo en marxa 🚀

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In this Mastodon era, I wanted to try another approach to be used as a personal ActivityPub microblogging playground instance. After some research I decided to install an Akkoma into a Raspberry Pi 4. Quite straight forward installation!

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For any reason the concept of a reverse Proxy always sounded like black magic in my head. Maybe I just jumped into programming too early and didn't get to set up one. Now the need knocks my door and I must jump into the fun of understanding it and updating my infrastructure, and the key piece is a Raspbery Pi as a Reverse Proxy.

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Recently I acquired a Raspberry Pi 4 with 8GB of RAM, bigger from the RPi 4 with 4GB where I have my Nextcloud. The reason is that I intend to install the LibreOffice apps (that I've read that consumes RAM) and I'd like to have also an Akkoma instance running in the same machine. I was wondering if it'd be as simple as swapping the SD Cards, so just tried it 🚀

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In my adventure to put some order in my personal photos library, and this new view of self-hosting as much as possible, I ended up installing a Nextcloud instance in my Raspberry Pi 4. It's about a month and a half since I've been playing around with it so I consider it stable enough to stay with me.

In this article I intend to log the actions to have it up and running

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I own a WD My Cloud 1-bay that I bought second hand from a colleague. I feel it nowadays lacking behind, slow and noisy, and I only use it as a NAS for backups. It's ok-ish: has a Debian inside and a simple Web UI to manage it. I have it next to my desk, so I started to be very annoyed by the constant hard disk accesses. Very annoyed.

In this article I'll explain how did I solve it once for all.

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For the last months, I am making use of git tagging a lot, usually creating a tag and pushing it to the repo and rarely deleting it. This is a quick and dirty article stating my most used tagging commands for further reference.

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When one starts to manage too many hosts, i.e. a number of Raspberry Pi machines, ssh-ing to each one and introducing the password every time is ugly for a lazy ass like me.

In this short article I'll explain how to set up the Key Authentication between hosts, initially from Mac to Linux, but works for mostly all.

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