Blog de Notes

Recently the new #Mastodon v4.2.5 was announced and with it the urge of a security fix. In a previous article I explained a strategy to keep the code customised and up to date, and even working with #git is part of my daily work, I feel like explaining in detail the process so that I will remember it for future references and also may help anybody that has the instance somewhat customised.

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One day a message crossed my #Mastodon timeline: There is a simple #bookmarks #NodeJS application that federates via #ActivityPub as any other #fediverse account! Great, I have to try it. One month later I have my new LinkBlog up and running.

This post explains the installation of #Postmarks and also covers the set up of a customization strategy that allows to keep the project code up to date.

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For the last months, I am making use of git tagging a lot, usually creating a tag and pushing it to the repo and rarely deleting it. This is a quick and dirty article stating my most used tagging commands for further reference.

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