Blog de Notes

In a previous article I installed a #Mastodon #Glitch Edition intended to become my techie instance, moving there my bots from the previous #Firefish instance. The final step was to migrate my personal nerd account and this article was supposed to be a walk through… just that it’s not. It is a log about my adventure and failures to move an admin account away from Firefish, to execute a successful #fediverse account #migration against all odds.

So bear with me, grab a sit and a drink, and let me explain you how (not) to do a migration between fediverse instances.

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As life goes on, software receives updates and we maintainers have to catch up by upgrading our platforms. In my case, I maintain a #Mastodon and a #Firefish instances, both under #Docker, running in separated #RaspberryPi machines. I personally have an eye for new versions and book some time to keep the instance up to date, and feel entitled to highlight some differences between them when it comes to upgrade tasks.

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