In this Mastodon era, I wanted to try another approach to be used as a personal ActivityPub microblogging playground instance. After some research I decided to install an Akkoma into a Raspberry Pi 4. Quite straight forward installation!

Why would I want it?

To play around. Actually, my idea is to stop spreading my bots around, and have a Raspberry that runs them, and what better than an own instance to allocate them? At this point, what I'm thinking is a single-user instance that has some bots publishing some stats from my Raspberries, instances, processes and other bots, in a kind of alerting system approach.

To be honest, the motivation is the less important thing. I just want to play arround with any system that is not the Mastodon mainstream one.

What do I need

I will use my Raspberry Pi 4 4GB to host it, now that I moved the Nextcloud to the 8GB one. I have installed the official Raspberry OS 64 bits Lite version (no desktop). The steps are the same that I explained in my past article Quick DNS server in a Raspberry Pi, but making sure that we're selecting the 64 bits Lite version. What do I want to have setup in your Raspberry Pi?

  • SSH access enabled (I will assume that the user is xavier)
  • Static IP (I will assume that you have a local DNS. If not, just replace the host names with your Raspberry's IPs)

Preparing the system

Install Docker

  1. ssh corellia

    ssh xavier@corellia
  2. Download and install Docker

    curl -sSL | sh
  3. Add the current user into the docker group

    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  4. Exit the session and ssh in again.

  5. Test that it works:

    docker run hello-world


  6. Get the container ID of this test run. In my case is 9373dee4491c

    docker ps -a


  7. Remove the test container

    docker rm 9373dee4491c

Install docker-compose

  1. First of all, check what is the latest version by navigating to their releases: At the moment of this article, the latest stable release was v2.16.0

  2. Dowload the right binary from their releases into the binaries directory of our system:

    sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  3. Give executable permissions to the downloaded file

    sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  4. Test the installation:

    docker-compose --version

    It should print something like Docker Compose version v2.16.0

Clone the Akkoma repository

Assuming we're in corellia and in our home path:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone -b stable
  2. Move into the akkoma directory

    cd akkoma

Setting up the stack

1. Define the environment variables file

  1. Get the example environment variables file and copy it into our definitive file

    cp docker-resources/env.example .env
  2. Add the current user and current user's grou into the environment variables file:

    echo "DOCKER_USER=$(id -u):$(id -g)" >> .env
  3. We can see how it ended up:

    cat .env

2. Build the container

Generate the akkoma container:


3. Generate the instance

  1. Create the folder that will contain the data

    mkdir pgdata
  2. Retrieve the dependencies. It may ask to install some dependencies. Just do it.

    ./docker-resources/ mix deps.get
  3. Compile all together, generating the pleroma app. It may ask again to install some other dependencies. It will also take quite a long time.

    ./docker-resources/ mix compile
  4. Generate the configuration. It asks some questions that the default values should suffice. According to the official documentation, the database hostname is db, the database password is akkoma (not auto generated), and set the ip to

    ./docker-resources/ mix pleroma.instance gen


  5. Copy the configuration to the expected location

    cp config/generated_config.exs config/prod.secret.exs

4. Prepare the database

  1. Start the DB container.

    docker-compose run --rm --user akkoma -d db
  2. Run the Postgress setup script:

    docker-compose run --rm akkoma psql -h db -U akkoma -f config/setup_db.psql

    According to the official documentation, here we should receive the name of the container here, something like akkoma_db_run, but instead I received some warnings telling me that the role "akkoma" already exists and the database "akkoma" too.

  3. Get to know the containers that are running in this moment:

    docker ps

    This gave me 2 containers, and one was named like akkoma_db_run_ac56fc75fa55, which I guess is what the official documentation was expecting. The other one is called akkoma-db-1 and feels like it started together with the instance setup, because it is running for 30 minutes already. I take the first name I mentioned for the next step.

  4. Stop the container that we opened to run the Postgress setup script:

    docker stop akkoma_db_run_ac56fc75fa55
  5. Run the migrations. It will take some time, because it also compiles the files as the configuration changed.

    ./docker-resources/ mix ecto.migrate

    It took some time to compile and when actually applying the migrations, the DB disconnected leaving the process with a beautiful red error. I re-tried the same command again and performed the migration. At the very end showed that one query failed. I re-ran again the migration and it just jumped everything to simply show the same error in the migration (in particular, it complained about the migration 20191220174645 Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.AddScopesToPleromaFEOAuthRecords.up/0). I could fix the issue with the following command:

    ./docker-resources/ mix ecto.reset

    That asked me to drop the database (I said yes), then it created the DB again and applied all the migrations without problems. Yay!

5. Start the server

  1. Start the server in the foreground so that we can see that everything is working:

    docker-compose up


  2. The official docs mention that we should be able to navigate to http://localhost:4000, but we're in a headless Debian 11, so open another ssh to corellia and when the shell is active, try to curl the localhost in the port 4000. It should give a HTTP 200 OK curl-localhost It works!

  3. Now shutdown the instance in the foreground run with ctrl + C

  4. Start the instance in the background:

    docker-compose up -d

6. Create the first user

  1. Create a user with administrative rights. Replace with a proper username and a mail:
    ./docker-resources/ mix pleroma.user new xavi --admin

    It prints a summary of the data that will generate for this user and after confirmation it will create it. Also, it will output a link to change the password. Keep it, as we'll need to use it when we have the SSL fixed.

7. Set up the SSL in our separated reverse proxy

At this point every configuration will differ. In my case I don't want to install yet another reverse proxy, so I'm going to reuse the reverse proxy that I installed some days ago in a separated Raspberry Pi. To do so:

  1. SSH into dagobah

    ssh xavier@dagobah
  2. Edit the file that holds the Virtual Hosts configuration

    sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/010-reverse-proxy.conf
  3. Add a new Virtual Host for the Akkoma:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    ProxyPass / http://corellia:4000/ nocanon
    ProxyPassReverse / http://corellia:4000/
    ProxyRequests Off
  4. Stop the reverse proxy. The certbot needs full control to the HTTP & HTTPS ports

    sudo service apache2 stop
  5. Execute the certbot for this new domain:

    sudo certbot --agree-tos -d --apache
  6. Start the apache again

    sudo service apache2 start

8. Install a frontend

Once the backend is up and running, we should install a frontend so that we can nicely interact. No, it does not come bundled, and I actually wonder why, I'll check. The installation is kinda trivial:

  1. Install the pleroma frontend:

    ./docker-resources/ mix pleroma.frontend install pleroma-fe --ref stable
  2. Install the admin frontend:

    ./docker-resources/ mix pleroma.frontend install admin-fe --ref stable

At this point, I was expecting to be able to navigate to, and it actually receives the requests, redirects to HTTPS (thanx to the changes done by the certbot) but then it throws a 503.

9. Fix the reverse proxy living in an external host

After some digging, I saw that the Akkoma's docker-compose.yml still keeps listening only to, so only the localhost can forward traffic to it. Let's change it:

  1. SSH to corellia

    ssh xavier@corellia
  2. Move yourself to the akkoma stack

    cd ~/akkoma
  3. Edit the docker-compose file

    nano docker-compose.yml
  4. Search for the ports section, and replace the with We want that the container redirects all requests to the port 4000 to inside, not only the ones that come from localhost.

  5. Recreate the container:

    docker-compose up -d

Now we should be ready to navigate to and see the Akkoma interface appearing!

Some random configurations

Oh yeah, I have no clue of what I'm doing. What I have clear is the goal of this server, at least at this point in time:

  • This is a single user instance. It is supposed to be a private place with some monitoring bots, quite a development space. I don't even intend to make my social life from here, I already have other accounts elsewhere for this.
  • Therefor, I'd like to start small, quite private, open to the world but not widely federating, and see what do I open later on
  • It is running in a Raspberry without an external disk, so we need to keep the resources and disk use to a quite minimum. I am worried about avatars and headers overwhelming the disk quota.

Admin settings

Very first thing, not even trying anything else, just in case I regret about forgetting anything.

Instance settings

Instance-related settings

All by default, then:

  • Registration open: Disabled.
  • Account approval required: Enabled, just to be in control
  • Federating: Enabled. This is no change, but I just want to mention it, as I want to test how it works.
  • Fed. incoming replies max depth: 1 (was 100). I want to avoid going deep in threads to get a tree-like federation.
  • Allow relay: Disabled. This is no change.
  • Public: Disabled. Only authenticated users should see the public resources.
  • Healthcheck: Disabled. This is no change.

Restrict Unauthenticated

Everything is Disabled. No changes.


  • Mailer Enabled: Enabled
  • Adapter: SMTP. Filling the rest of parameters.


General MRF settings

  • Policies: I added SimplePolicy as per this post, so I can then easily block instances.



I guess this is where I should come back later to set up an external disk setup, whenever I have one.


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