Summer is gone and at home there is some maintenance to do. #RaspberryPiOS has updated from #bullseye to #bookworm and I have some machines to catch up. Here I log the steps I did to upgrade the first one.
With the landing of the new #Mastodon v4.2.0, I decided to document the process I take to build and apply a new #Docker image for the instance I maintain at Even it is distributed with an official Docker image, there are some customizations (mostly icons and images) that I want to keep and therefore I must build my own one.
As I presented days ago, I have a #Pixelfed instance that I maintain on my own. It has been running and federating for almost a month and I am proud to see how well now behaves with the current load.
In this article I go through the steps I did to bring it up into a #RaspberryPi under #Docker.
Una de les optimitzacions que es recomanen per a millorar el rendiment de les #RaspberryPi és moure el sistema operatiu a un disc dur conectat per USB3. Amb les "noves" Raspberries aquest procès és encara més fàcil.
Buscant millorar l'estabilitat de LaDragonera, he volgut aplicar-ho a la Rasbperry Pi que la mou i ha estat més fàcil del que m'esperava! és el primer domini que vaig registrar ara deu fer uns 20 anys. Ha passat per diferents fases, essent reciclat al llarg d'aquest temps per donar nom a diferents projectes de la meva fornada.
Ara presenta una instància Pixelfed on publico fotos pròpies, servit des d'una Raspberry Pi des de casa.
If you noticed my posts in this blog, I love to play with the Raspberry Pi machines. They are good, small, (will be back to) cheap, and very versatile. They allow me to build services for my home uses and fulfil my nerdy server side appetite.
As I am always starting from the same point, I decided to just transcribe the next Raspberry Pi spawn I do at home, as a reference in future posts.
DigitalOcean ofereix Spaces, un Object Storage compatible amb S3 d'Amazon a un preu fixe i més raonable. Intentant reduir la càrrega de la meva instància Mastodon que tinc a la Raspberry Pi 4, l'he configurat per que usi Spaces per als arxius media d'usuari i cache. De pas he hagut de sol.lucionar algun problema de CSP, però he quedat ben satisfet amb el resultat.
In this Mastodon era, I wanted to try another approach to be used as a personal ActivityPub microblogging playground instance. After some research I decided to install an Akkoma into a Raspberry Pi 4. Quite straight forward installation!
For any reason the concept of a reverse Proxy always sounded like black magic in my head. Maybe I just jumped into programming too early and didn't get to set up one. Now the need knocks my door and I must jump into the fun of understanding it and updating my infrastructure, and the key piece is a Raspbery Pi as a Reverse Proxy.
Recently I acquired a Raspberry Pi 4 with 8GB of RAM, bigger from the RPi 4 with 4GB where I have my Nextcloud. The reason is that I intend to install the LibreOffice apps (that I've read that consumes RAM) and I'd like to have also an Akkoma instance running in the same machine. I was wondering if it'd be as simple as swapping the SD Cards, so just tried it 🚀